Friday, June 19, 2009

Rhyming and Stealing

Marco Scutaro is bound and determined to make me love him. Holy Shit.

Fancypants Moving Image courtesy of the beloved Fightins and Tug Haines


  1. I have to be honest. I didn't even know that move was legal. Two of the Score peeps told me that they used to pull this move all the time in Little League.

    Scoots is now my favoritest Jay since before Damaso Garcia torched his jersey.


  2. Drew, you should use that GIF as your profile picture and then use it to harass Phillies fans.

  3. Completely unrelated to this post:

    Have I ever properly gushed to you guys about how much I absolutely love this site, and the way you all think about baseball?

  4. I'm so glad I clicked on this - the image isn't animated in the RSS feed.

    Love it.

  5. You haven't Archie but you really should. Tell you friends in fact!

    I kid, but thanks for the positivity. You're a gentleman (handsome) and a scholar.

  6. this is sick, i always wondered why more people dont try this

  7. I'm a Phillies fan, and I love this guy. He plays ball the way the Phillies should. Scutaro is playing heads-up ball. The Phils are playing heads-up-their-asses ball.

  8. I have no words to describe my man-love for Marco Scutaro.

  9. It shocks me that we can have a guy so in to the game like Scutaro and a daydreaming idiot like Rios on the same team


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