Friday, July 25, 2008

Overheard at the Ballpark

A most interesting and eventful night at the ballpark ce soir. My first time taking in a game by myself, I was afforded sobriety time for personal reflection and drank in all that I saw and heard.
  • Outside of Joe Inglett's heroics, my clear-cut highlight was seeing Darryl from the Office and Larry fucking Miller sitting three rows down in my section. As they got up to leave, my shout of "We're driving to Flahridah!" stopped Larry Miller cold in his tracks. The reliable character actor turned and smiled, and I knew we were down.
  • I met the future of Ghostrunner on First, and its name is "young blond kid sitting behind me." The future Grofman, his father and I exchanged idle baseball chit-chat for a few innings before he showed me his true colours. Upon David Eckstein's emergence from the dugout to pinch run, my protégé turned to his dad and proclaimed: I Hate Eckstein! I gave this young man a high five, and he gave me faith in the future of humanity.
  • Guys named Brandon throw hard. While they are prone to bouts of wildness, they are prone to bouts of dominance as well. The surfing one was on tonight, the phenom not so much. Cito slowly ratchets up the leverage, and Brandon League by and large responds.
  • Adam Lind hits nought but line drives, and takes nought but bad routes to the baseball.
  • Interesting that Ichiro had the game-winning hit go over his head. In the ninth inning, I saw Miguel Cairo waving him back (deeper), pointing to the dugout indicating the order came from on high.
  • The Mariners changed pitchers twice in the middle of at bats. I can't think of the last time I saw this, let alone twice in one game.
  • We may lament the state of the Blue Jays offense, yet the Mariners had 3 starters in today's game with sub-.300 on base percentages. Kenji Johjima also sports a sub-.300 slugging percentage, adding up to a cool OPS of .534. Ouch.
That is it, swing by Walk Off Walk today and demand Blue Jays content. I'll do my best to represent the centre of the universe.


  1. Good stuff. At the risk of sounding like a grammar nazi, or at least just a prick, I believe the word you were looking for in the Adam Lind sentences was nought, rather than not.

    On a different note, I have to say, last night's victory was extra sweet, as I was pretty much resigned to a loss once Seattle's 10th-inning Sb came around to score. Probably too little, too late to make serious noise this year, but it's great to see them win again

  2. I endorse the ethnic cleansing of any and all offending errors. Good lookin' out.

  3. it's never too late. the jays have only played 36 games against the AL east so far this season, fewest in the division. starting monday against tampa we've got 18 games with the AL east through august. we control our own destiny. the time is now. let's do the damn thing.


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