Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Bald Men Express Outrage After Comparison To Blue Jays


I knew these two teams were having trouble scoring runs, but that was something completely different. Halladay was dominant, his curve and sinker leaving the Red Sox kicking at the darkness until it bled daylight. But even Roy Halladay at his best couldn't overcome the angry, angry gods; who have seen fit to punish any and all persons associated with the Toronto Blue Jays baseball club. The Jays aren't doing themselves any favors by hitting the Midget second in the order.

Dustin McGowan will man the hill tonight, well aware that nothing short of a perfect game will result in a W. Dice-K will kick off his sandals and leave his houseboy to tend to the goldfish as he takes the ball against the Jays. Matsuzaka is known to be a little wild, which means the Jays have a chance. Perhaps he will walk in a run, or the Jays can parlay their new "steal bases to avoid the double play" offensive strategy into a some sort of double-secret-probationary balk/run allowance. Because they simple aren't scoring any other way.



Sigh. Adam Lind's arrival was marked with much cheering and celebrating, and anticipation that he would lead the Blue Jay salvation. Instead, he's sitting on a glorious 0-fer, seemingly unable to make solid contact. At least he isn't striking out, with only 1 K against his 1 walk. There have been some grumblings and some told-you-so's emanating from the Blue Jays blogger cabal about the performance of Reed Johnson versus Shannon Stewart. I was certainly all for sending Reed packing, buying into the logic and numbers that suggested 2006 was an anomaly. Shannon Stewart hasn't looked great much of the year, despite drawing a few walks. Reed will regress, Lind will come around (he is certainly not a quad-A tweener that can't make the final leap, in my eyes) and Shannon Stewart was a good bit of business. Unless the Jays don't score another run for a week. Then anything is possible.

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